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Why Do I Keep Getting UTIs?

Why Do I Keep Getting UTIs?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very common, affecting more than 1 in 5 women over their lifetimes. The most common symptom people with a UTI experience is a burning sensation when urinating, though the infection can cause other bothersome symptoms.

It’s important to learn what you can do to avoid UTIs, and especially how to avoid getting them repeatedly. Dr. Daniel S. Kushner is a highly experienced and compassionate OB/GYN with medical practices in White Plains and Queens, New York. He provides patients with effective treatments for UTIs and the information they need to avoid getting them frequently.

What is a UTI?

A urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria getting into your urinary system. For example, bacteria normally present in your anal region may enter your urinary tract through your the urethra; it can travel to your bladder or your kidneys, causing issues. Although men and children can also get UTIs, they are much more common in women

What does a UTI feel like?

If you haven’t ever had a UTI, you may not know how to recognize the symptoms, or you may think something else is wrong. A number of symptoms can indicate that you might have a UTI, including: 

You may not experience symptoms at all. If you have any concerns about something going on with your body, it’s always best to make an appointment with your doctor to get it checked out. Getting the proper care for a UTI can help ensure that it’s effectively treated so it doesn’t return.

Why do I keep getting UTIs?

UTIs can be uncomfortable. If not treated, they can become more serious infections. Sometimes UTIs go away but then quickly come back again. Some of the things you can do to avoid repeated UTIs are:

If you keep getting UTIs, talk to Dr. Kushner about other things you can do to avoid repeated infections. Some conditions, such as diabetes and hormonal fluctuations, can affect your tendency to get infections.

For diagnosis or treatment of a UTI, or for other gynecological concerns, call either of our offices to make an appointment. You can also use our online request system to set up a date and time that work best for you.

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