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Chlamydia And Gonorrhea

Daniel Kushner, MD

Obstetrics and Gynecology located in White Plains, NY & Queens, NY

Chlamydia and gonorrhea are common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that can be contracted by anyone who is sexually active. If left untreated, chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause serious health problems. However, they are treatable with the proper medication. Daniel Kushner, MD, of White Plains and Queens, New York, is dedicated to promoting sexual health and well-being at his self-titled practice by providing a wide range of STD testing. Contact his office today to schedule an appointment or book online.

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Q & A

What is chlamydia?

Chlamydia is a common STD in both men and women. In women, it can cause significant complications, including difficulty in becoming pregnant. Chlamydia can be spread through vaginal, oral or anal sex with someone who has the disease. A mother can also pass on chlamydia to her child during childbirth.

What is gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is a common STD in both men and women. It can be spread through vaginal, oral or anal sex with someone who has the disease. Gonorrhea can also be passed from mother to child during childbirth.

What are the symptoms of chlamydia?

Women and men have different symptoms of chlamydia, and some people may not get any symptoms. However, it’s important to note that even if you don’t have symptoms, chlamydia can still damage your reproductive system.

Symptoms in men include:

  • Discharge from the penis
  • Burning when urinating
  • A less common symptom is swelling of one or both testicles

Symptoms in women include:

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Burning when urinating

Chlamydia that was contracted through anal sex or spread to the rectum from another infected area may cause rectal pain, discharge or bleeding.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, please make sure to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kushner right away.

What are the symptoms of gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. The symptoms differ between men and women.

Symptoms in men include:

  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • White, yellow or green discharge from the penis
  • Painful or swollen testicles

Symptoms in women include:

  • Pain or burning when urinating
  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • Bleeding between menstrual periods

Many women do not experience any symptoms of gonorrhea, but they are still at risk for serious complications from the infection, so it’s important to be examined by Dr. Kushner right away.

How are chlamydia and gonorrhea diagnosed?

Chlamydia and gonorrhea are usually diagnosed by testing a patient’s urine or testing a cotton swab that has taken a sample of the infected area.

How are chlamydia and gonorrhea treated?

Chlamydia and gonorrhea can be cured with the right treatment. The medication that your doctor prescribes should be taken until the medication is fully used.

By taking the medication for chlamydia, it can reduce your risk for complications later in life. In the case of gonorrhea, the medication will not undo any permanent damage that has been caused. Furthermore, you can get infected by the diseases again if you’re exposed in the future, so Dr. Kushner recommends that you get tested every three months.

If you’ve been experiencing symptoms that may indicate you have an STD, call or click to schedule an appointment with Daniel Kushner, MD.